Córdoba Cluster

What is the Cluster?

Córdoba Cluster, is  an organization made up of  several companies and institutions related to the technology and knowledge economy sector from the province of Córdoba.

The Cluster, through cooperation and a permanent generation of connections, promotes competitiveness in the sector to provide innovative solutions at an international scale.

Córdoba Cluster is constantly expanding, and it always welcomes the participation between companies and institutions related to the field of  technology, knowledge, biotechnology, electronics, BPO /KPO, audiovisual, agricultural machinery, electrical industry, aero-espacial and other entities sharing common goals and bases which gave rise to  this Cluster.

What does the Cluster offer?

  • To companies and institutions related to technology and knowledge setting up their business in Córdoba: the Cluster offers organic participation of all the sectors which are seeking for new opportunities, synergy and networking.
  • To companies in search of  partners to develop new technologies and know-how: the Cluster offers a linkage to a group of companies which have a high capacity in  production of technology and know-how at an international level.
  • To investment entities: the Cluster offers quick and straight connections to the technology and knowledge companies, which constitute a more attractive offer as  funds allocations for investments and capitalization projects.
  • To organizations demanding technology and know-how  products and services: the Cluster facilitates access  to better solutions.
  • To public and private organizations: the Cluster offers more representativity in the technology and the knowledge sector, opening up dialogue spaces and coordinating the necessary actions to strengthen policies and  promotion and development plans.